Do not only want to get fit

In order to get here I have to get my life together and be the best version of me

But I also hate to admit that I have this part that holds me back. I’m scared of the idea of exercise. I see a fitness club advertisement on TV and almost always have to see that one in-person. I see advertisements for CrossFit workouts, Jamboree, and my sister’s yoga class. And I want to try everything, but I don’t know what I want to do and I’m not sure I even really enjoy anything.

🗽 🔧 🧘🏻‍♀️

I have a physical disability. In order to walk, I have to use a wheelchair and I have a mild case of osteoporosis. I’ve had enough issues already—my arthritis is starting to get invasive and I can feel my bones shrinking. I don’t want to get another surgery or be told by someone else that I can’t get into an MRI program. I’ve been through enough with having to prove my worth as a human being. I’m trying to remember the way I used to take care of myself? I used to have a healthy eating plan, get my ass to the gym at least twice a week, and make time for sleep. My life used to be filled with purpose.

filled with purpose

But now I’m tired, sad, and hopeless. I’m scared. I’ve got a lot to fix. I have to get healthy and exercise so that I don’t feel even worse. How do I break through this barrier and exercise with confidence and pride? I need to start by remembering the way I used to be before. Nothing of all this whining matter and we just need to get going, at least to start with a couple of jumps with the jump rope or some ropeflow moves a day!