If you have mobility problems with your knee or hip or balance issues

If you have an injury on your knee or hip, ask your doctor for an x-ray.

If you've had an accident and still have trouble with your knee or hip, contact a medicine specialist for sports medicine for the best possible results. When a hip or knee injury is bad enough to require surgery, the risks are too bad to even consider it.

man playing golf

Knee sprains can quickly become serious if you don't receive prompt treatment. If you have sprains, then you should seek immediate medical attention. You may suffer a knee or hip injury without knowing it. You may not know exactly what caused you to have pain, but you suspect one of the following. A common injury for men is a rupture of the patella. However, if you're a woman, then it is often referred to as a "runner's knee." If both knees are affected by a sports injury, then you risk permanent knee or hip damage. Sports can have an immediate or delayed effect on the hip. For example, after a fall, your knee may hurt more than usual. Usually jumping rope is not the culprit here.

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Also, you may suffer from a hip injury one hour or two days after your game or practice. If your knee or hip injury is severe, then it may be hard to determine the cause of your discomfort. If the pain is severe or continuous, then it may be due to an internal injury. If you suffer from a knee or hip injury, your doctor will want to rule out other potential problems before diagnosing the problem with a knee or hip injury.