Keep pushing your body to achieve the goals you've set for it

Embrace the pain that you'll experience at the end of a workout.

It doesn't have to be painful. You can be confident to go home and do it again the next day. It can be like being a kid again, when you were afraid of being hurt. When your body has been abused, you don't know what to expect, and the pain is a wonderful thing to be welcomed. That's what this journey is.

moto cross uphill

Don't make it a one-time commitment. You just have to believe that it will happen, because your effort and determination can take you much further than you expect. This is a journey. It's the same one that you took as a child to the playground jumping with the old single jump rope. But instead of a swing, you're exercising, and that's even better. I hope it feels like that for you. This post is all about getting active and being active. The benefits of physical activity are well documented, and yet how many people do they take advantage of them?

🥦 💪 👁️

I have a different philosophy on it all. I think the most important thing to do is to get yourself to a point where you don't think about how you are supposed to be moving your body and mind. It's enough that you're moving. If you're moving, it's the most basic and most natural thing you can do. Some people have a problem with making commitments or being on a program and then having them put on hold. I have the opposite problem. If I want to do something, I commit to it. If I decide that I don't want to do it anymore, I find something else to do. But lately I've have also picked up my old habit of jumping the heavy rope which give me this nice burn in my shoulders.