Many benefits of stretching

And many of these benefits work whether you do it yourself or not.

For example, many people don't do any stretching before exercising, and it makes any physical activity more effective. If you want to improve your overall health, then it is a valuable exercise to do. There are many benefits, but one of the most important is that it improves the body’s natural flexibility.

woman stretching with a rope

When you take a break from your stretching, you notice that your body returns to its previous condition. Here we will inform you how stretching will help you. There are 2 ways you can exercise the outer and inner body (ex: legs, calfs and hamstrings). Outer body: the exercise of legs (calfs, hamstrings, etc). Inner body: the exercise of the abdomen, chest and shoulders. Let’s take an example of the legs: To do it, you need to practice with the jump rope. Exercise the outer body: Start by placing the hands, palms up, on the outside of your body on your thigh just above the knee (outer thigh), or a little below the knee (outer of knee), or just a little above the ankle (outer of ankle).

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Keeping the hands on the outside of your body, lower your heels toward the floor, and lift your toes up off the floor towards the ceiling (not toward the floor). Keeping your heels down and your toes lifted, raise your left foot towards the ceiling and raise your right leg by the same amount. Then reverse the order (or raise the left foot and the right leg). The reason you need to hold the ankle above the knee as well as raise the heel is because it helps stretch the Achilles tendon. You will also feel that you are pressing the lower leg while trying to raise the heel and lift the toes. If you feel your lower leg is not stretching well, then it is time to stretch it more. You will feel a good stretch when you do it at least 10 times.